Calculate Your Age

How old are you now? Enter your birth date in Gregorian or Hijri to get your current age in years, months, days, minutes and seconds.

Your birth date in Gregorian
Your birth date in Hijri
Your age
Your birth day cannot be in the future!
20 years, 11 months and 19 days
Your age in Hijri
21 years, 7 months, 12 days
Your Gregorian birthday
1 Jan (January) 2004
Your Hijri birthday
9 Dhul Qidah 1424
Your sign
Your age in months
252 months
Your age in Hijri months
259 Hijri months
Your age in days
7,660 days
Your age in hours
183,840 hours
Your age in minutes
11,030,400 minutes
Your age in seconds
661,824,000 seconds
Your next birthday in days
11 days